How To Start Turkey Rearing In Nigeria (Detail Guide)
Because of the incredible ‘high demand’ for turkey meat across the country, venturing into the turkey rearing business is fetching yourself a lot in profits. And the best part is you can start with as little as N40,000 (NGN).
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The turkey rearing model in this article is meant for simple rearing of the birds in a backyard setting, where the objective is to fatten them for a period of time and then sell them when they have reached market size. Suitable for up to fifty turkeys and as little as five depending on your space and not for hundreds of turkey birds as it is in a poultry farm.
So, we are going to proceed with all calculations based on ten turkeys, you can multiply or divide up the total sum of capital needed according to your requirements.
Where To Buy Turkey
You can easily obtain your first assemblage of turkeys from your neighborhood or in a local farm near you. Watch out closely for those with defects, their defects are quiet visible and easy to discern.
Disregard any bird with a form of discoloration in the caruncles (the fleshy protuberance on the head and around the neck) or having a deformed beak, or with swollen caruncles, blisters on the head or any part of the body and so on.
Turkey Rearing Requirements
Turkey rearing is fairly easy compared to other birds and advantageous as they are highly resistant to diseases and they exhibit a low mortality rate once they have grown past their infancy stage (0 – 4 weeks) also known as brooding. They could be raised in a free-range setting, that is letting them out from their cage to an open surrounding area and there is the semi-intensive, where they are kept in a cage/room throughout the rearing process. The first system is very economical as they could fend for themselves most of their dietary needs but the latter system enables them to grow faster and bigger because of the attention they will get.
I suggest you start with the 4-5 weeks old turkeys those past their brooding stage (or else contact other sources for a more elaborate insight on the topic), they are easily recognized by the red combs protruding from their heads at that stage.
Key Fundamental Subject Matters In Turkey Rearing
There are numerous varieties of turkey but there is not much difference between them, some are good at egg production and others meat. We won’t be bothering ourselves with hybrids since they require an intensive farming system. The male turkey known as ‘toms’ are much heavier than their female counterparts known as ‘hens’ and hence the former fetches higher earnings in the market. To achieve higher productivity separate the toms from the hens in the cage.
Provide ample shade around the surrounding of your turkey rearing area, and make sure if they are in their cages roll the covers up so that the cage will be well ventilated. Install a hot filament bulb in the coop, hanging from the roof to provide heat during cold nights.
Debeaking And Toe Clipping
Cutting of the beak and clipping of their toe is essential to prevent them from injuring each other. Consult a veterinary.
They require vaccination at least twice times from 0 – 10 weeks. A veterinarian will best explain what your turkey needs. Deworming should be done at least once a month, the deworming drug is usually mixed with their water.
Turkey tend to be easily frightened by a person’s presence which may result in a stampede when inside a cage. They may injure themselves by trampling, so when handling them it is best done in low light.
Shelter For Turkey Rearing
Turkeys are kept in low cost rearing pen/cages called coops. They could be made of iron or wood and covered with corrugated zinc sheets. The height should be up to 2.5 to 3 meters from the floor to roof with a meter long overhang to prevent rain from splashing into the coop.
Floor Space – The required space for a fully grown turkey is at least one square meter per bird. So for ten birds they will need a minimum of 10 square meters. Avoid overcrowding the birds to prevent trampling and to ensure that each bird had enough to eat.
Floor Covering – Saw dust, wood shavings and other similar materials should be used for the floor covering. It should be about 2 inches thick and gradually increased to 4 inches and it should be raked regularly to prevent caking.
Feed and Feeding
What turkey eats is similar to what chickens eat. Mostly grains and occasionally even feeds on greens and vegetables. Their diet requires about 25% proteins and a good amount (1%) of calcium because of their large size. When it comes to consumption of water they require an around-the-clock supply of clean water, and the water troughs should be filled even more regularly during the hot season. They feed on 150 grams of feed every day per bird, which is like half a mudu of millet for each turkey.
The total feed consumption of the Toms is estimated at about 20 kg from 4-16 weeks.
The total feed consumption for the Hens is estimated at about 15 kg from 4-16 weeks.
You can feed them with hybrid feeds or feed them a mix of both common and hybrid feeds. They also eat leftovers, a little bit of fruits and vegetables are also recommended to meet their dietary needs most especially onions. Some points to consider when feeding your turkey birds for optimum results are;
- They should be fed during the cooler parts of the day, morning or afternoon.
- Always provide them with clean water.
- Water troughs should always be full at all times.
- Provide more waterers during summer/hot season.
- Avoid pouring the feed on the floor but in feeders.
- When change is made from one diet to another take precaution to withdraw gradually from their former diet by mixing it with the new diet when feeding them.
List of Major Feeds
- Soybeans
- Millet
- Rice
- Corn
- Wheat (recommended)
- Sorghum
Supplementary Feeds
- Onions
- Watermelon
- Egg shell grit (30-40 grams per bird occasionally)
- Fish (both dried and fresh)
Hybrid Feeds
- Turkey Starter’s mash (4-5 weeks old)
- Turkey Grower’s mash (5-8 weeks old)
- Turkey Finisher
- Chicken feed
(Please contact your supplier of hybrid feeds for the proper ratios and age the turkey birds are supposed to take them, there are many feed concentrates out there and it is not wise to use just any type).
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